Wednesday, May 29, 2013

May 28, 2013

Ma chère famille,
Dés, je suis un peu en retard aujourd'hui, so, I'm a little late today, but it's actually cause I wasn't even gonna come do emails originally. Because there has been a crazy grève strike here, and this whole last weekend the ENTIRE country was outta gas. And we were sitting at a half tank of gas, so the zone leaders told us we couldn't come to ville town to do internet cause we didn't know when it was going to end. We cancelled exchanges for this week and everything. Mais, ça est. Fini.  But, it is.  Finished.
Anyways, this week was good. We had exchanges this week with the soeurs of 6eme. And that was fun. Soeur Lamb came to Paita with me and Soeur Tere went there with Soeur Raney. And! I taught Soeur Lamb how to drive stick! hah. Which was fun. And kinda hilarious. She's a natural actually. She may have picked it up faster than me. And something else that was cool to realize was the fact that theres something about the mission that totally and completely changes you. For the better. But it's crazy. The Soeur Lamb that I met the week before the MTC in San Fran and the Soeur Lamb today are COMPLETELY different. It's crazy. The change is so obvious in her. It's crazy. And I hope that when I get home it's pareil. the same (for me) I have lots of change to do and I want to become! That's what this life is all about afterall.
This week, I realized that I need to learn a few languages. We're teaching this Wallisien family, Selafina and Tenicio and they're incredible! They just got married and they have a cute little baby. But I just love teaching them because this gospel is about the family. And their family is so cute! (One of the first things I'm doing when I get home is holding a baby.) But yah, they speak french, but their main language is Wallisien, so I gotta pick that up. Also, we have a new amie as of this week! Her name is Dalvina! And she's great! But, she speaks Bislama... So yah, we're working on getting our hands on a Livre in Bislama right now. And! The fun thing with her is that we teach in English. Cause it's actually pretty close to Bislama.
The one year Noumea stake formation anniversary is this week!! So they're having a big cultural night talent show thing that we're inviting tout le monde everyone to. And stake conference is this weekend! Which I'm singing in the choir for! Le meilleur. The best. Mom and Dad. The stake president's wiife, Soeur Guidi is directing the choir and I don't exacly know what her music education is, but she sings and conducts and plays the piano like a champ. You should be bffs. 
Also, thanks for everyone that sent pics of the wedding! I'm soooo happy for you Kalei and Elaine! I cried when I say the photos! You are beautiful! Every single one of you! Quelle joie!! Vous me rendez heureuse!  What joy!!  You make me happy!
Anyways, I love you all! Gotta bounce, but know that you are all in my prayers!! And I'll be back in a week! Normal time. Je vous aime tous!!  I love you all!
L'evangile est vraie!  (Do I still need to translate this one??)  The Church is true!
Love, Soeur Santos

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

May 20, 2013

Pono didn't write on the 13th because she got to call home for Mother's Day.

Another random French Monday holiday.

Pentecôtiste Pentecost this time I think? Mais bon. That's why you're getting this 24 hours en retardlate. And I'm assuming it'll be the same for Pup.

Ma chère famille,
I love you all sooo much! It was a JOY to see all of your faces a week ago. It made me so happy! I love you all more than I can explain. Thanks for talking to me and listening to me and Pup talk in our half english half french speech. Sorry about that. It really is getting weird to speak English now. I can't do it for too long at a time or my brain spazzes. Probs because I'm with a francophone. I've even gotten to the point where I speak French to all the Americans. It's great! Ca va me manquer quand je rentre. Mais bon. J'ai encore du temps.I will miss it when I come home.  But it's okay...I still have time left.
Kalei and Elaine!! I got your wedding announcement! Enfin! Merci beaucoup! Finally!  Thank you so much! I squeeled with joy. No joke. Yes I was in public. But you're soooo cute! I'm sooo happy for you! The pic's on my bulliten board. Happy marriage this week! You are most def in my thoughts and prayers! 

Uh, this week. Well, first of all, important dates that have past slash are coming. Last week ago when we talked was my 8 months. What the. And! I opened my mission call a year ago todayyy!! After holding onto it for four days, unopened. Cause I wanted errbod to be there. And yah. June 12th is my 9 months. La moitie! J'ai du mal a croire ça. The halfway point.  I can't believe it. But it's kinda cool. I guess.

Now this week. A week ago from today was quite crazy. The Elders of Tontouta got in a car accident... So they've been out of a car for the past week, but I think it's getting replaced today. So that'll be good. They're done recovering, they just are waiting for a car now. But it was a miracle where they crashed. It was right next to a river, where there was a bridge over the road. If it had been a couple inches over, it would have been a lot worst. The Lord takes care of His missioinaries.
And yah. The miracle of the week was that one of our amis, who lives in Dumbea was really sick last weekend and the beginning of this last week, but the elders of Dumbea came over and gave her a priesthood blessing. We talked to her about faith and how it's a power, just before! And the very next day, we came back and she was back in perfect health. It's amazing to see the power of faith and the power of the priesthood in action.It made me think a little ab out how I'd bug Smooz every like 2 days to give me blessings. But they work! That much I know.
Also, we got the opportunity to fast a couple times this week. And it was incredible. There really is nothing more powerful than fasting paired with prayer. We were able to find several new old amis because of that this week. We have a few lessons set up with them for this week.
Anyways, I love you all! Sue happy birthday this Sunday! Your letters in the mail. Kalei and Elaine! Love youuu!! I hope that the weddings great! Wish pup and I could be there!! But it's ok. I know that we're where we should be! And that brings me peace and joy and happiness! Oh how I love this work!! It cannot be stopped! It will flood the entire earth! And I am honored to be apart of it!! Have a good week! You're in my prayers!
L'evangile est vrai!!
Love, Soeur Santos

May 5, 2013

I've kept my better qualities...

Ma chère famille,
Ça va ou quoi? Vous êtes la meilleure!  How's it going?  (literal= It's going, or what?) You are the best! Thanks for all your emails! They are inspiring for me to read every week! I love hearing about how things are at home! And pics are the best! Sorry, I'll try and send some next week. Oh psyche, you'll see me on Skype next week, so week after that. Sorry, it's a little harder now, cause I'm back at the Paita en ville in town internet place and it's different.

Mais bon,But anyway,  this week. We had a busy week! It was good. We got to talk with our equipe  team, i.e. companionship that's having a bit of trouble right now, and that was humbling and a good experience. Knowing that I don't need to worry about what to say, because the Lord simply speaks through me. It was incredible. And that actually happened quite a few times this week. Realizing how much I don't matter. And not in a degrading way, but just the fact that if we are doing what we should be doing, and if we give our whole soul to the Lord (Omni 1:26 ish?) He will use us to accomplish His work. To do what He would do if He were here. To say the very words He would say even. It's INCREDIBLE. I want to ba a missionary for the rest of my liiife!! Also, as far as the calling goes, we had our first meeting with the zone leaders and we organized our first exchange, which will be next week! Chyeah. I've never been so tired in my life, but I've also never been so happy!

Also, the subject line... I may or may not have lost the phone for two days this week. I don't wanna talk about it. Yahhh. Still working on the responsability thing. That'll have to s’améliore improve, and fast. Also, I got the opportunity to play ULTIMATE this week cause we went to a stake picnic with our amis. And the zone leaders showed up with a frisbee and I may or may not have flipped. I was sooo stoked and running around like a crazy announcing the good news so that we could start a game. hah. 

Other than that, it's pretty cold here. I think I'm really just une poule mouilléea chicken/wimp (literal= a wet/damp chicken...the French certainly paint a picture with that expression, don't they?), mais bon. but anyway Sometimes I do etudes  studies wrapped up in my fleece music blanket, (merci Maello!) Utah winters will be fun when I get home. And also, the moustiques mosquitos are CRAZY. I sleep in a crazy person mosquito net now because they attack me whenever I get out. So that's unfortunate. 

Anyways, sorry, I'm outta time, but I love you family! Thanks for your prayers and love and support! And I will see you next week! 9am my time. On skype! My skype name's the same. I hope I remember it...
L'evangile est vrai!
Love, Soeur Santos

April 28, 2013

so it turns out it's cold here...

Orrrr, I may just have turned into a whimp when it drops into the low 70s high 60s and I need a pull now. Mais vraiment, j'ai froid. But really, i'm cold.
Ma chère famille! 
Combien je vous aime! Je ne peux même pas dire! How I love you! I cannot even say! This week was the craziest week of my mission to date. But I'm sure there will be more in the future! hah. First off, the zone leaders called Thursday morning and told me to pack my bags cause I'm going back to Paita where I will be comps with Soeur Tere, who is the other STL. The bad news? I had to pack up my stuff, and I wasn't even home when they told me, I was in PK7, another sector. (More on that later.) And also, I had to leave Soeur Lamb :( The good news? I have a parter in crime now, which I am ever so grateful for. Soeur Tere is the BEST! She's basically my Tahitian twin. First off, she's as tall as me, we're both obnoxiously optimistic, and she may be more stoked about this work than I am. We're a great match. And also, I heart Paita. And I'm eating like a queen again. So yah, they called Thursday, and less than 36 hours later, I was in Paita. Oh. one more bad news, no more free internet. But really, the goods outweigh the bads. Je suis contente. I'm happy.
And, the earlier part of this week, I was with Soeur Bellais and Soeur Tupai. They are the Soeurs of PK7, just next door to 6eme. And we covered both sectors Tuesday through Friday. Lots of walking. And running in some cases. Like when we were SUPER late for our last lesson Thursday night. hah. But yah. The reason we did this was because we had two Soeurs leave this week. Soeur Madsen went back to Idaho Tuesday, and Soeur Bellais left Wednesday night. So, Soeur Lamb went to Magenta with Soeur Hall, who was with Soeur Madsen, and I stayed with Soeur Tupai so she'd have a comp after Soeur Bellais left. It was cayafou. But good. We were house jumping most of the week, 6eme, PK7, 6eme. But the funnest day was Thursday, where we had lessons back and forth allll daaayyy longgg. Looking back, we probs should have tried to switch some stuff around, but it was good! Next time... 
And! Miracle de la semaine: Thursday morning in 6eme. We had just talked to an ancien ami and we were supposed to have a lesson with her, but we couldn't. So, we left, and Soeur Tupai and I both felt like we should stop just next door and talk to whoever was there. We found Celine, a half Tahitian half Fijian, Protestant. She has a large family and at first she seemed very content and happy. And then Soeur Tupai asked her an inspired question, "If Christ was standing right in front of you and you could ask Him anything, what would you ask?" And then she started to cry. She cried for a bit and then she said, "I would ask Him to change my life." And that's when Soeur Tupai and I got to testify of Jesus Christ and His Atonement. How He can, in reality, change our lives. And it was incredible! The Spirit was there. We also testified of the Book of Mormon and how if she read, meditated, and prayed about it, her life will change. Soeur Lamb and Soeur Raney are going back to see her this week, and I'm stoked for her. I realized again how the Lord, in reality, prepares His children to hear this gospel. 
Also, the work is going well in Paita! We had a bapteme this Saturday. Pierre! The frere brother of one of our amis, Timpanier. And it was good to be there! He was brilliant after. And we got to sing. And also, I got roped into a solo like an hour before the baptism, the crazies. It was actually a duet. Oh! But mom! You would have been so proud of me. Doing our répétition just before the bapteme, we were rehearsing, and we decided to sing another song in place of one of them. Au jardin In the garden. 95. It doesn't exsist in English. Anyways, I was pounding out parts on the piano for the Elders so that we could do it. I was laughing inside... I am my mothers daughter.
As far as the new calling goes, it's going well! I conducted exchanges for the Soeurs Friday night, and Soeur Tere and I are going to talk to a companionship after this who need some help. But keep praying please! I need them.
Also, I ate ESCARGO this week. LEGIT. hah. I had to do it. It actually isn't too bad. It's just chewy. And it tastes like butter.

Anyways, sorry, I'm a bit scatterbrained. But! I love you all! Thanks for your love and support and prayers! Je les ai besoin! Et, sachez, ma chere famille, que vous etes dans mes prieres! Je vous aime! ÉNORMÉMENT! I really need! And know, my dear family, you're in my prayers! I love you! A LOT!
L'evangile est vrai!
Love, Soeur Santos