Thursday, October 24, 2013

October 20, 2013

"il fait chaud." It's hot

Ma chere famille,
It's starting to get hot again down here, but I am LOVING it. After the cold winter, (well, cold for me...) I whine no more. hah. But Soeur Beagles is worst than pup. The words that leave her mouth the most often are, "il fait chaud..." It's hot But I'm sure that that was me too, so maybe she'll appreciate it in a year. 
This week was fantastic! I love these people, and I love being a missionary and inviting people to come unto Christ. Something that it talks a lot about in the Book of Mormon with all the missionaries is BOLDNESS. And that is something that is funnn. J'aime bien. I like it I'm learning to be bold, and when the Spirit inspires to talk, to invite, to chasten (always with love.) But it's the best! Bien sur Of course, I need to be better and have more faith and invite more, but it's just so exciting to be doing this work and helping my brothers and sisters to come unto Christ. 
This week we worked lots with the members again, which I love, and we had lots of lessons with one of our amis, Nathanael. He is 11, and we want to teach his mother too, but she is always working. So right now we are teaching just him. And I have never met anyone with more energy and who couldn't sit still for 5 mins at a time. It was hard at first, a definite test of patience, but we had a few miracles with him this week. First off, he sat like a statue pendant 20 minutes watching "the restoration." I was shocked. And he's been better in general this week. It's incredible. Studying the gospel changes behavior faster than studying behavior changes behavior. (see PMG page 19, je pense I think.)
We recontacted an ancien ami this week too. Her name is Therese, and she is incredible! She has so much faith! She is Wallisien and Catholic and we had a fantastic first lesson with her! We invited her to be baptised and she said yes. The problem is going to be finding a way to gete her to church, because she has a mari husband and 6 enfants children. And no car. And all the members are full up. But I know that we'll find a way!

And we've been working on the musical fireside as always, which has been fun. I didn't think that :"This is the Christ" was gonna be possible at first, but now it's looking better. And the cello guy hasn't called me, so I'm hoping to at least touch a violin this week, cause I gotta start learning that if it's gonna be on violin. I'm really excited for this. It's a little stressful, but I'm praying and we're working hard so that everything will hopefully come together. There's not much time left. 
I love you family! Thank you for your love and prayers and support! I need addresses for Laura Bizull Gladson and Kalei if I could get those for next week. Love you! This work is the work of salvation! So do it! It will be the best blessing that you have in your lives. I promise!
L'evangile est vraie!

Love, Soeur Santos

Monday, October 14, 2013

October 13, 2013

guess what I saw this week...

A REAL LIFE CELLO. But, I didn't touch it. But I was 2 feet away from one. And I was wayyyy too excited. I was completely derailed. I think Heavenly Father knew that I needed to go somewhere thousands of miles away from cellos so that I didn't get distracted... Anyways, here's the story, vite fait Quickly. So, Soeur Beagles and I walked into the conservatory last Monday afternoon and the person at the front desk asked what we were doing there. I explained that I wanted to see if I could somehow get my hands on a cello. She said she didn't know, but she would take me to the cello professor to see if he could help me. (This was all happening in French by the way, which somehow made it all that more hilarious. I'm a crazy person...) So, she takes me to the professor, who by the way, is the professor for cello, bass, and french horn. haha. sans blague no kidding. I bet he's heard of Dale Clevenger. So, I asked him the same question, if I could rent a cello, or just have one for a couple days, and he said that there are no rentals, but that sometimes, the students take off of France to faire leurs etudes do their studies. so, he said, "Je ne promets rien I can not promise anything." But he's gonna see what he can do and then call me back. Oh, but. When we were having this conversation, a student came in, probs early teens, and starts UNPACKING. And that's when I started staring and drooling. awkward, I know. But I couldn't help it. I was finishing my conversation with the professor as the kid was unpacking, and I was trying to figure out whether to flying football tackle the kid or not, but then I thought about the cello... So I decided against it and peacefully left the room with Soeur Beagles, and then started hyperventilating when we got outside. Like I said, Heavenly Father knows best. Ca c'est clair It is clear. So yah, we'll see what happens... Hopefully he calls. 

Anyways, it was a good week. I refocused again, luckily, before we started teaching lessons again that night, so I was just distracted during p-day. haha. GENERAL CONFERENCE!! It was incredible. We watched it this weekend and it was everything I needed and I got all the responses and how I can do better and be better, right here and after the mission. So it was a miracle, comme d'hab as usual. If you wanna send an English Ensign again just in the next box or big envelope that gets sent, that would be amazing! Merci!! I had a couple faves, but I always REALLY like the talks that the Sunday School Presidency give. I dunno if it's because they're about teaching, or what, but I think that's where the most inspiration came, which was cool.
Something that I'm trying to learn to like being here in the field is agency. I know. It's bad, cause that's Satan's plan, but sometimes, I just wish that people would do what they say they're going to do and come to church! We went and tried to stop by a few houses Sunday morning to get our amis to come, but no one was there and no one was answering their phones. It was annoying. And I got frustrated. And the agency of comps is hard to deal with too at times, but I've been thinking about it for a while now, and it really is something that is soooo important. Something that a war was fought over before we even got here, and I need to learn to love it and be grateful for it. 
Also, Soeur Lamb and I did an exchange this week. I love her! And MACDO (after looking at the pictures apparently this in Pono-speak for Mcdonald's) in Paita opened. hence the pics. We went after general conference Saturday night. Also, I straightened my hair this week for the first and last time here... Someone called it fluffy.
Other than that! I LOVE these people and this work!! I'm sooo happy to be here and to be a missionary when the focus of the entire church is MISSIONARY WORK! It's incredible!! Also, We invited all the members we eat with this week to pray about and invite a family or a friend over in the next month, so I'm hoping that with that and the general conference messages, they'll be inspired! Oh. Also, there was no Soeurs for 2 years announcement this conference... So I guess I'll see you all in March.
Well, I LOVE YOU ALL!!! Be missionaries! Do what the prophet has called us to do!! It's amazing! And you will have more joy than ever before in assisting in this work! That, I can promise, heart and soul! Thank you for the prayers! You are in mine as well!!
L'evangile est vraie!!

Love, Soeur Santos

October 6, 2013


So I've got this joke with the zone leaders that I'm staying in Paita foreverrrr cause in the mission office in Magenta I'm taped to the white board under Paita. Everyone else has a magnet. hah. And!! I've got one more transfer in this place!! Or maybe more if Heavenly Father wants :] But I might move after this one, cause that'll make 10 1/2 months that I'm here :] J'aime biennnn!! I like!

Ma chere famille,

So someone tell me... I heard a lot about missionary work and general conference, but no one made the soeurs can stay for two years announcement this one?! (Oh. And funny story about this... I didn't say anything about this to President, but last week in reply to my email said, "I wish sisters could serve for two years, but the Lord knows best." me too President, me too...) That was my last chance... mince. Mais bon. Pas grave. Thin. But good. Not serious (I know that doesn't make sense but I'm just google translating...). We're watching conference this next weekend and I'm STOKED. 

This week was good!! Still working lots with members and the work is rolling forth, and I'm excited for the members here to watch conference and get all fired up about this amazing work!! It's incredible!! This week, Soeur Beagles and I found a man named Nathan, apparently his wife talked to the elders a while back and they've been to a few activites at the chapel, so that's why he let us in. But we had a good first lesson and he's curious, so I'm excited! Cause you know what they say about curiosity.

Other than that, we're really starting to work with the members for the musical and theatrical fireside that we're doing, which is fun. I some how ended up being choir director, which is mildy terrifying. It's making me wish that I took choral conducting from Sister Hall before my mission. But hopefully it'll be ok. We're starting sectionals this Thursday, cause one of the pieces we're doing, "This is the Christ" is a little complicated. But hopefully it'll come together. I love music! And missionary work! I've decided that I wanna come back here with my cello in the future and do missionary concerts all over the place. But I have to save up for that...

Anyways! I'm outta time, but! I love you all! Thanks for your wonderful examples for me! You are the best! Have a good week! You are in my prayers! 

L'evangile est vraie!

Love, Soeur Santos

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

September 29, 2013

désolée... sorry

Ay bonjour!! Ça fait longtemps. Désolée.Hello! Long time. Sorry We actually ran outta time last p-day cause we had a lesson and had to cut it an hour short. And we were driving the Elders of Tontouta around and we were in ville in the morning, but than we came back to chez nous home to do email in Dumbea, but it was closed... And we still had the elders to take chez eux home, so we didn't have time to redescend into ville.return to town So yah. Sorry. Hopefully that won't happen again. And luckily Soeur Beagles was chill about it too. But we were both thinking about our mothers. hah. Cause we were discussing, and we were just talking about how we hoped our mothers would be ok for the week. But! I'm back!

So, family. Basically, I know that I should want Heavenly Father's will to be done. but I need one more transfer in Paita. Just one more. Things are starting to ROLL here and I feel like I'm starting to really figure it out, and I LOVE these people. I mean, I know that I love the people everywhere, but the missionary work with the missionaries and the members and everything is going and it is SOOO EXCITING to see. I cannot even explain it. I'm sooo happy!! This is the last week in the transfer though, and I'm scared since I've been here for 9 months... Mais on verra. But we'll see

Also, GUESS WHAT. There ARE cellos on this island. Cause there is a music conservatory en ville in town and I was talking to Soeur Guidi and she was talking about how there are cellists here that go there. So, Soeur Beagles and I went to go try and talk to someone today and see if we could track one down, a cellist or a cello, but there was no one there, cause it's only open in the afternoon on Mondays, so we might try and go again next week. But yah. I'm still trying to figure out what to ask, cause it's kinda weird to just walk in there and ask for a cello... Mais bon. but good...I think it's supposed to be the French equivalent of oh well We'll see what happens. I mostly want it cause we're planning a super cool musical fireside to invite everyone and their dog to in about a month, and it's gonna be sweet. I'm stoked. Oh. Also, Pup and Elise, I totes thought of you. We were planning for it this week, with the Elders of Tontouta, and one of them, the district leader, Elder Mackay, (who Pup was in the MTC with) is a theatre major. haha. So, he had the bright idea of doing Bible scenes with Jesus in between some of the musical numbers. I thought of both of you immediately. But yah. IT's gonna be sweet. Which is another reason that I hope I have 6 more weeks here. 

As far as the work, we are working with some awesome people. One of them is actually an 11 year old boy, who is superrr smart, but cannot sit still to save his life. hah. So that makes lessons interesting. And short. Which is good. But! Him and his mom want to get baptized. The mom is super occupied though right now, cause she works everyday, so we are just working with him right now. He's great though. 

Soeur Beagles and I set the goal to teach all of our lessons with members this week. This may not happen if we have some port a port time where they want us to teach them right there, but we're gonna try our hardest. CAuse the members are getting stoked about it, the chapel of Tontouta is exploding, and I love itttttt!

Other than that, pics!

1.) So remember how I used to love sofeging the hymns? the new love of my life, conjugating french verbs. (Bonus points for whoever can name the tense.)

2.) Tartes aux fraises. TROP BON.Strawberry pies. TOO GOOD!

3.) We had a porte ouverte open door at the chapel of Magenta the week before last. The Soeurs of Dumbea, Paita, and Mont Dore.

Anyways, this work is incredible! Mosiah 28:3. And its nessicary for all of us!! It is a work of Salvation and we are all apart of it!! Work with the missionaries! Open your mouths! Have the faith to do that much and the Lord will give you the words. I love you all!!

L'evangile est vraie!!

Love, Soeur Santos

September 16, 2013

second tries the charm...

Annnd my auto biography title comes back into play... haha. Sooo, I took my driving test today... But I rated it. Mais ce n'est pas grave But is doesn't matter. Mostly because of what I read this morning in personal study that kinda prepared me for that slash anything. I'll come back to that at the end.

Other than that though, it was a fantastic week!! I thouroughly enjoyed myself!! a fire got set under my bottom again this week a couple times, for a couple reasons. And Soeur Beagles and I are going strong!! The first reason is because Elder Pearson came a bit ago, of the 70, and he lanced a vision for us as a zone in New Cal, he wants us to have a certain amount of baptisms by a certain date, so that's been some great motivation. And quite frankly, it's not about the number, but I like it, cause it gives us a goal to work towards. And I know that because a 70 has prayed and has left us this task, it is from the Lord, and that with the Lord, all things are possible. So that was the first part. And the second, is my one year mark on Thursday. (Yes, I did wear black in mourning.) But that was kinda like a "oh mince" moment as well. Basically, time is ticking, so I am going to do all and maybe more than my possible to use what I have left to fulfill my missionary purpose! Even though, I decided that I'm keeping the mish purpose for the rest of my life, cause it gives life meaning!! Lemme tell you. If any of you are ever just turning in circles in life and don't know what to do, do MISH WORK!! It is incredible. And it is why we are here!

One thing that I've been really focusing on this week is asking for coordonnées contacts. CAuse it's sooo important. Even with people that aren't interested, the first words that I'm trying to get out of my mouth are, "Ok, bonne journée good day, but! Do you know anyone else that would be interested in hearing our message?" It's going better, but I still got room to grow.

Things in Paita are going great though. I'm HOPING that I'll be here for one more transfers, cause things are starting to take off, and Soeur Beagles and I are working being obedient and Heavenly Father is dropping miracles from the sky and it's incredible!! And I love the people here, seriously, this is the place to be, for a couple reasons, three of our meals canceled on us this week, but we still ended up getting fed for two of those nights. haha. Ridiculous. I love it here. 9 months and still going strong!! So yah, we'll see.

As far as what I wanted to share from my personal study this morning... It was from President Uchtdorf's preisthood session talk, "Four Titles." It's an incredible talk, read it, EVERYONE. There's a part that talks about how we are children of God and he compares us to toddlers learning to walk. He asks, "when a toddler is learning to walk and stumbles, does the father scold him for stumbling?" OF COURSE NOT. And so it is for our Heavenly Fathers. We are learning to walk here on earth, and when we tumble and fall, Heavenly Father does what every loving father on earth does. He applauds and encourages and tells us to get up and try again!! I love that analogy. and it's sooo true!! And the part that slapped me in the face...

"Perhaps it is true that we are weak.
Perhaps we are not wise or mighty.
But when God works through us, NO ONE and NOTHING can stand against us."

I DIEDDD. It's sooo true. But, sometimes, we doubt. Do I REALLLY believe this? Do I HONESTLY know 100% that this is true?! I want to. And I'm putting it into practice. now til the end. Cause it's true. It's doctrine. And I love it. 

Well, my wonderful family! I love you sooo much!! Thanks for your love and support! Dad and Mom. Thanks for all that you have had to and still sacrifice for pup and I so that we can be here. It is something that I will never EVER be able to thank you enough for. It is a miracle. I will never leave this church. I KNOW that this gospel is the truth. It is the GOOD NEWS!! And it is incredible. It touches hearts and changes lives. I have seen it. Around me and IN me. And I am so grateful!

I love you all! Remember this quote this week. Write it down and put it somewhere where you can see it!

L'evangile est VRAIE!

Love, Soeur Santos