Tuesday, June 11, 2013

June 10, 2013

Hello, 9 months.

What the. Yep. That's this Wednesday. More on that later.
Ma chère famille!
Je vous aime!! I love you! I hope that you are all doing well and are in good health and all that jazz. This week has been the week of sickness here, so I've been thinking lots about health lately. I'm still well and kicking. The last time I was sick was in the MTC, which is a grannnnde bénédiction blessing
Anyways, it's June now. When did that happen? It's crazy. Time is flying and as much as I'm digging my heels into the ground, it is not slowing down. Mais bon but good. I will give 110% til the end. I love this work! And I love these people. 
This week, was super good. And busy. And it felt more like a whoa I'm a sister training leader week, which was fun! We did exchanges this Wednesday and Thursday with PK7, and that was good. It was interesting how it worked out actually, originally, I was going to go to PK7 with Soeur Tupai, but she called Tuesday night and said that she wasn't feeling very well and didn't think she could walk as much as they had planned for the next day. So, we moved us to Paita. But the next morning, during etudes, Soeur Tere's back was really hurting, so she couldn't do a lot of walking either. So, she stayed in Paita with Soeur Tupai and I went to PK7 with Soeur Seamons. But it was really good. Soeur Seamons is a really good missionary. Ever since just after I got here actually, all the new soeurs are incredible. I dunno what they're feeding them in the MTC now days, but whatever it is, it's working. These missionaries are coming into the field running. It's incredible.
Also, Soeur Tere and I got to go pick up the two new Soeurs from the airport this week!! Soeur Martinez from Spokane, WA. (chyeah) and Soeur Andreasen, from St. George, UT. That was fun. We made little welcome signs for them and gave them little shell leis and everything. It was great. They slept over at our house in Paita Friday night, cause they got in late ish. And then we did exchanges the next morning, where they met their moms and went to their secteurs. It was good!
Other than that, I've decided that my favorite thing in the world is placing Books of Mormon. (Ha. Anyone?) And I plan on doing it until the day I die. It's the best!! Two of my faves that I gave this week were one in Bislama to Dalvina, our ami who's from Vanuatu, we teach her in english! hah. And we gave one to a member's cousin, Soeur Toyon is the member, Pele is the cousin. The cool part? Soeur Toyon's husband just past away not too long ago, and Pele just lost her mom. She was talking about how well Soeur Toyon seemed to be doing even though she just lost her husband. We got to testify that that is because of the book and what is found inside. I never noticed how much the Plan of Salvation is found in the Book of Mormon. It's all over the place. In  True to the Faith, it says that the Plan of Salvation IS the fulness of this gospel. The Book of Mormon contains the fulness of the gospel. It's the BEST. Qu'est-ce que J'AIME ce Livre And I LOVE this book. it is the word of God. It is the reason I am as happy as I am.

Also, cool thing that barely just happened, we were grocery shopping, and Soeur Tere and I were there with Soeur Lamb and Soeur Raney. Soeur Tere and I finished fast though, so we went to put our things in the car and came back in after. The security guard saw us come in and later came and found us and asked how he could have the LIGHT that was in us. Baaaaahhh! I actually was talking to Soeur Lamb at the time, so Soeur Raney and Soeur Tere talked to him. But it was incredible!! I love this gospel. It is the light that we have in us!
Anyways, I love you family. My time's up. Until next week! You are in every prayer I say! I love you!
L'evangile est vraie!
Love, Soeur Santos

June 4, 2013

Ma chère famille,
Wow, what a week. I cannot begin to explain how HAPPY I am to be a missionary for the church right now. It's a MANTLE. It's real. And it's amazing. Elder Ulivaka, qui vient d'ici who just here, he got released yesterday, and he said that the worst/hardest part for him wasn't actually taking the plaque off, though I imagine that that was heart wrenching... But he said that it was when they said in his release blessing (what's that called in English again? I only know the french word.) when they said that he is released as a full time missionary for the church. Bahhh. My heart. But I don't think about that. 
Anyways, number one thing of the week... I have re-found my spiritual gift. (The gift of weeping.) hah. No joke. Up until this last week, minus those couple meltdowns in the past, I've been incredibly not me. As in, emotionally stable, and I never cry anymore. Weird. I know. Mais ca est But it is. I'm back. I cried almost every day this week. Comme auparavant As before. (Mom, don't worry, it was usually for a good happy reason.) But yah, Soeur Tere like didn't know what to do with me... Cause usually she's the crier. Mais bon but good. I am happy. I might just be having my mid mission (oh no this thing is gonna fly by) crisis. I dunno. But I'm good! 
Number two thing this week. I spent Saturday being trained by Elder F. Michel Watson of the Seventy. With his wife. And President and Soeur Brewer!! Quelle joie!! What joy The coolest part? There were only four of us missionaries in the room. (Other than the Brewers.) It was Soeur Tere and I, the STLs, and Elder Wilson and Elder Dymock, the ZLs. Prettty amazing. I left my journal of notes and things I wrote down at home, but it was incredible! The spirit was strong, and I was just like, is this real life? Also, Soeur Tere and I found out that we're planning and conducting the next Zone Conference in July in a month. I'm stoked. I kinda wanted to translate... but that'll have to wait. Cause I don't think I can do the two. Mais bon. Un jour!! But good. Someday! 
Also, the music things. I sang in the choir this weekend for New Cal's second stake conference. And that was fun! I LOOOOVVEE to sing. (hah. that's for you Elise.) And also, I got roped into playing piano for our amis bapteme on June 15th. Ben and Forrest, where are youuu? J'ai peur I'm afraid. Secret Prayer and Au Jardin, which is not in the english hymn book and has 4 flats. Ab maj. So yah. Prayer's please. hah. We may only go for the right hand. On verra bien. We'll see
Oh. Also, we got transfers this week. The Elders got moved around like crazy, so I'm not gonna say much about them. Mostly I just wanted to say that they're REOPENING Lifou!! Which is choc shocking. And also, get this. My new district, for next week, will be 5 Soeurs and 2 Elders!! Cause they're putting Soeurs in Dumbea now and it's a trio. Also, it's Soeur Kailiponi! She'll be training there, and Soeur Teahe will be with her with the nouvelle. So we'll be in the same district!! Hah. That gives us one more team to do exchanges with though. So that's almost an exchange a week. 5 exchanges for a 6 week transfer. Chyeah. I wouldn't be surprised if they call another team of STLs soon. Cause I'm sure there will be at least one more sister sector with the next transfer in July. 
Stake conference was incredible! The 70s spoke! Elder Watson and Elder Walker! And it was great! I decided I may just move back here after so I can traduire translate for the general authorities after my mission. Cause traduiring translating is the best. Anyways, here's the lightbulb thought for the week. Someone was talking about the work of God at conference. And I was sitting there, listening and thinking to myself. And je me suis posée la I asked myself a question, what is the work of God? The answer, Moses 1:39. To bring to past the immortality and eternal life of man. What is the work of salvation? MISSIONARY WORK. The work of God is this work. The work that Pup and I engage in EVERY DAY. It's what we should all be doing everyday. Cause we have a work ahead of us. But, it's possible if we all participate! The blessings are grand! The joy, unimaginable. I love this work. And I will be a missionary for the rest of my life.
Also, I dunno what it is, but my hair is attracting all kinds of "compliments" slash back hand slaps lately. So I'm including one. Maybs once a week. This one's Soeur Lamb talking about Christophe, a man that lives in Sixieme, "Soeur Raney and I talked to him for a long time this week! And it was really good. It turns out that he really likes Elvis. Maybe that's why he liked you so much..." hah. There's more where that came from. Mais bon. La prochaine semaine. But good. Next week.
My family!! I love you! You are in my prayers! Thanks for your love and support!!
L'evangile est vraie!
Love, Soeur Santos