Thursday, February 27, 2014

February 16, 2014

a quatre. four

1.) Danny et Rosita. They are the best!! And they live at Dumbea s/ mer, so we saw them for the last time this week before our secteur split.
2.) Duck face! And the sunset in the background.
3.) Me, Soeur Frost (nouvelle news), and Soeur Tupai after we picked Soeur Frost up from the airport on Saturday.
Ma chere famille!!
Sooo, I'm assuming that you got the travel plans, cause Soeur Call said that she sent them to my parents and my stake president. So, I'll see you all on March 25th! But, there is still a lot of time left before the end! So that's all that I'm gonna say about that for the moment.
Thank you family for your love and support!! I hope that you are all doing so well! I love you and I pray for you.
This week was good! It was our last half week where we covered both sides of Dumbea, but Soeur Frost got here on Satirday and she and Soeur Raney, her trainer moved in to the apt on Saturday. So we're all together in the apt now until our house on the other side of Dumbea is ready. But it's going pretty well actually. Soeur Tupai and I moved everything into a room, our beds, desks, and we just stay there when we are home, but we're not home a lot, so it works out great!
Soeur Frost, the new soeur is great! She's a converi recent, and she's a music major at a university in Missouri! She plays the violin, so I've been having fun geeking out and asking her what pieces she played last personally and in orchestra and all that. I still have no friends... Mais bon. Oh well
And, Soeur Tupai and I are working on the super pretty pride and prejudice side (that's what it reminds me of) of Dumbea. Which is fun! This week the key word is FINDING. Which we're stoked about because we know that the Lord has prepared people for us to teach! Just like Elder Andersen said in his general conference talk of April. Something like, "As the Lord has called more missionaries to serve His children on the earth, He is also preparing more hearts of His children to hear and accept this wonderful message!" I know this to be true. Which is why Soeur Tupai and I are stoked to find this week. 
Tomorrow Elder Neil L. Andersen is coming, and we are sooo excited! We invited all our amis and all the people that we've talked to, so that will be fantastic! And we are really excited.
It's time to go. Sorry. I spent too much time looking at travel info... Mais! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! And I am so proud to be part of your family! Thank you so much for your love and your support and also for praying for and looking for opportunities to share this gospel with those around you! Because that is how you will find and experience a joy that you have never ever had before! Pup can testify of that for me. I love you family! You are in my prayers!
L'evangile est vraie!!
Love, Soeur Santos

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