Monday, February 3, 2014

February 3, 2014

the prophet's call!

Ma chere famille! 

Turns out that Pup and I are on the same transfer schedule. That's weird. So yah. The last missionaries to leave before the four of us at the end of next transfer leave this Sunday for Tahiti. Weirddd. Also, funny story of the week. When I served with Soeur Beagles, I made her three awesome planners. And I always joked with her that I wanted her to make me my last planner in the field. She gave it to me this morning, and it is hilarious. It has her and my face on front, just her on the inside, and a picture of our coin de feu fireside choir on the back. She's a crazy. I'll try and take pictures with it to send next week. 

Anyways! This week was incredible! We did a lot of work with members this week, and that always goes well. We had two soirees with members and our amis this week, and that was sooo good! The first one, we had at a members house and we invited our amis, Danny and Rosita. We left after an hour, but they ended up staying until 11pm. So that went well. Also, the BEST soiree familiale of my mission was this weekend, with the family Li-Khau, a different famille Li-Khau than that of Paita, it's his brother Anyways, He's inactive, and his wife and children are not members yet, but they are incredible. We are hoping to be able to teach them soon. But, they invited us over for a soiree familiale, as well as two families than they are friends with and some of their family that live up north. And it was incredible! We had sooo many referals at the end of the night. And my testimony of the importance of members in this work grew encore. 

Soeur Tupai and I were AMAZED. We were discussing afterwards, and these were our thoughts. The people that live here know the members already. They know and love and trust them. And the atmosphere of being in their home with us is the perfect atmosphere for the Spirit to come and testify that the gospel is true. When we go door to door, it's just not as good of an opportunity. They don't know us and usually they don't want to have the time to talk, even if we smile a lot. But it's just infinitely better if there are members to help them along, to testify and to answer questions. It was INCREDIBLE. I love this work! And as much as I'd love to be a missionary for the rest of my life, I'm not as sad thinking about the end anymore, because I realize that it's not the end. 

Also, where I'm serving right now, Dumbea, is sooo beautiful. I can't get over it. We've been having depressions here, (I think that's a cyclone term...) But basically that just means it rains a lot. And it's so green here and it makes me think of home. You might be able to see a little bit in the pictures that I sent, but it's so green! I love it. See pics. This was our adventure of the week. Mt. Koghi.

I AM SOOO HAPPY TO BE A MISSIONARY. Soeur Tupai and I are working so hard and it's so much fun. I love these people. They are incredible. And I can't wait to tell you more about them. And this work of course, what JOY! I have never been happier. I know I smiled a lot before, mais franchement, rien a voir but frankly, nothing compared  with now. 

I love you family! Read the prophet's words at the beginning of this last conference, and get inspired. Also, Alma 19 and 20 in the LdM. Member missionary work. And the success that they had! It's incredible. I know that that kind of success exists, but only when we work together. 

Know that you are in my prayers! And that I pray for you to have occasions to share this wonderful message! I LOVE YOU ALL!! Thank you for your prayers for me!

L'evangile est vraie!

Love, Soeur Santos

That's Dumbea behind us!! also, I'm super blanche... And also, the third picture was a failed attempt at a timer jumping picture... But I like it. ha.

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